The Swamp

In a land, far, far away, the good King (or so he thought he was) sent his knights in shining Hum-V’s to fight the evil prince and free his subjects so that they could all live in peace and happiness. The good King sought no one’s advice but rather sought the counsel of a higher authority. With the outcome that has ensued, one wonders whether there was in fact a higher authority or simply that the good King didn’t listen. For sure the evil prince was routed and the shackles removed from his subjects, but that is where the plan ended and venture into the swamp began.

The good King has given many reasons for dispatching his Knights in shining Hum-V’s and has claimed on many occasions that his crusade was successful. Despite the good King’s statements, the evidence on the ground is different. The freed subjects actually do not (and have not in the past) get along with each other, even on the simplest of matters, and without the reimposition of another evil prince, there is no obvious route to a peaceful and functioning society.

The good King has now been replaced by a new King who wants to bring home his Knights in shining Hum-V’s. The new King is finding there is one little problem. As his Knights loosen control just a little, the subjects begin fighting in the most inhumane ways (of course in the name of their god) and chaos erupts. What should the new King do?

You can’t make bad decisions good, just by wishing or staying longer. You must accept that if the subjects do not want to act in a modern and civilized manner, they need to be left to live as they wish. If the subjects instead chose to obey the commands of charlatans, and subjugate their women to second class status, then they must live that type of life and reap the consequences.

The US invaded and occupied Iraq without International sanction and did so without any imminent danger present. We broke Iraq and we were certainly obligated to help “fix” it. Thousand of American lives later and the better part of a trillion dollars wasted, it is time to say enough. It is time to get out.

Explore posts in the same categories: Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Dick Cheney, George Bush, Iraq War, Politics, Republican Party

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