Posted tagged ‘christian’

Accidents of Birth

August 10, 2014

Do you ever think how fortunate you are to have been born in North America (or Europe, or South America, or most of Asia)? To be sure, some people are more fortunate than others. Regardless, just about all of these people are more fortunate than those born in the Middle East.

The first measure of good luck is education. In the Middle East, most residents have a good chance of growing up “rock stupid” either from an extremely truncated education or one lacking in any sense of enlightenment.

With stupidity firmly in place all sorts of other misfortunes are possible. In a situation somewhat similar to those who “study” the Bible, most Middle East residents are told to study the Koran. Being “rock stupid”, however, makes the case easy for a “learned” one to interpret and explain the Koran’s meanings.

Again not unlike those who study the Bible, the learned ones ask a small tribute for their efforts. A small tribute from a lot of people means more money and makes life much more pleasant for the learned one.

“Learned ones” have come to know that they can be even more effective in attracting “students” and much more secure from another learned one trying to poach a student, by banding together under an umbrella organization name (like Sunni or Shiite).

There is no free lunch. The learned ones’ umbrella organization now must contend with equally large competitive umbrella organization for the hearts and minds of their followers. This leads to the need for a better rationale for following this learned one and not that one.

For rock stupid people, assurance of entrance to the after life by following the learned ones directives is the preferred line. It is only a small step from this ludicrous reasoning to getting the rock stupids to cover their women from head to toe, limit their education, and when asked blow themselves up without every really knowing why.

Indoctrinating the young that other people are the enemy, even if they read the same Koran, is quite simple. All it requires is for the audience to be rock stupid and to repeat the same story with the same incentives time and time again.

This broad general practice and misfortune of birth is not limited to the Middle East. Christianity wrote its own book on brutality and absurdism, and wrote it in various parts of the world. And, Christian extremism closely paralleled the accumulation of wealth by church leaders and supporters, much as in the Middle East today.

When rock stupid Christianity followers wallowed in inhumane excesses, enlightenment based education brought the scale back into balance. There was a time when Muslims were a highly educated people. Great accomplishments in science, mathematics, and literature flowed from their great minds.  Today there are many educated Muslims but it is the Muslim masses I am referring to.

Regrettably, those Muslims who have “made it”, and attained a level of education have not found the formula to break the Mullah’s “learned man” head lock on the masses’ thinking. Ironically, with a little less ambition (less of the “I want it all” attitude), these learned man could live in peace as could their followers. They could seclude themselves with other like minded people and not try to spread their philosophies forcefully to others.


That sounds like a good prescription for bible thumpers here in America too.

Judgement Day

April 28, 2011

The month of May 2011 is shaping up to be a big month for religiously focused people.  Well, maybe not all those who profess to a belief, but a lot of them.  For the rest of us, it could be bad news if we have guessed wrong.

On May 1 the Roman Catholic Church will create a new line of relics.  They will announce that former Pope John Paul II is a saint.  All his former possessions and those things close to him will suddenly have value as religious relics.

The former Pope’s body is hardly cold.  Never the less, the church has been able to painstakingly research the subject, find several “miracles” attributable to the Pope.   Now only a ceremony stands in the way.

For many Catholics, this will be a time of happiness and rejoicing.  For them, their god has shined upon them.  Polish Catholics are especially proud that one of theirs made the big time.

On May 21, other Christians have predicted this all will come to an end with Judgement Day and the end of the world.  Even though Christian experts have predicted the end several times before, they are sure they are right this time.

So this end of the world prediction may help explain why Rome has rushed the sainthood for John Paul.  Aside from the notion that there are miracles at all, what other reasons could justify the rush?

Could the canonization help divert Catholics attention from the swirling disgust around the child sex abuse and Church cover up?  Could the rush reflect the desire to insulate John Paul’s fate from the fact that much of it happened on his watch?  Who knows.

In the greater picture, both of these events are humorous in a cynical way.  They reflect no understanding of humanity or the real issues facing the world today.  Both reflect a myopic view of the world which begins and ends with each for profit religion.

I think I have already made my judgement.

Looking In A Mirror

September 11, 2010

The last few weeks, thanks to the conservative right, Islam has been brought into focus as a less desirable religious way. Or so Fox News, Newt Gingrich, and Sarah Palin would have us think. What do they know that we don’t?

Could it be that Muslims believe their version of god and their holy book, the Quran, contains all necessary truth, and this conflicts with Christian views? Could it be that Muslims prefer their women to wear body-covering garments because they do not want to excite sexual instincts in other male Muslims, or is it simply about control? Could it be that Muslim Mosques, if built from scratch, preferably sport minarets (?), and places of worship without crosses seem not legitimate.

Who knows why?

A Florida fringe minister tells us that “Islam is of the Devil”. Now this really sheds light on this mystery. Who has ever seen a devil? I wonder whether Fox News, Newt or Sarah can describe this comparison? I wonder whether the devil is a Republican, Democrat, or Tea Party member, or some other exotic party?

Some Muslims do seem to reject modernity. Some Muslims demand their women stay at home and remain uneducated. Some Muslims believe that just punishment involves stoning and caning. But is that all Muslims?

If Fox News, Newt, and Sarah would look in a mirror, they would see that some clergy abuse young and vulnerable parishioners. They would also see that some believe that the Bible contains literal truth and those who do not believe in that truth are of the devil. They would see some non-muslims who believe their religion commands the faithful to relentlessly recruit more members. They would also see some non-muslims want laws changed to reflect their views of the Bible’s teachings.

Hmmm. It is interesting what one can see looking into a mirror.


August 20, 2010

Headlines the past few days has been poll results that indicate 18% of Americans think President Obama is Muslim. This number has increased over the past 6 months and despite numerous White House denials, a segment of America think otherwise.

The poll asked respondents whether they thought President Obama was a) Christian, b) Muslim, c) other, or d) don’t know. You do not know what people are actually thinking when they answer questions like that. What the results indicate (combining “don’t know” and Muslim) is that almost half the people polled do not think President Obama is Christian.

In many ways this is a tribute to Obama since he does not wear religion on his sleeve. The follow up questions that should have been asked, I submit, would go like this. “Do you think one religion makes a difference in how effective one is as President?” To the answer, “yes”, the next question would be which religion would be best?

My guess is that a large portion of those who think religion makes a difference, they will assert that the christian religion is best suited. For those folks, I can only say I assume you support President Obama’s health care reform where health care coverage is extended to 30 million Americans who previously were denied or could not afford coverage.

What do you think their response would be?