
The currently magic word, “mandate” (as in the government can’t tell me what to do) is being spread around as if mandates are un-American.  I wonder whether those anti-mandate-ers ever think about the ramifications when their words are applied absolutely?

To be sure, government over reach can (and should) be a concern.  The sense of personal freedom is always at risk when government passes new laws or regulations.  For many, a list of what one can do and what one cannot do is comforting.  For others laissez faire is the goal. So when should the government get involved and maybe move into our freedom?

What do you think of unlimited vehicle speed, say like in a school zone or in the middle of a shopping district?  Or unlimited freedom to play music loud or set off fire works at any hour of the day?  Or leaving garbage and trash on ones front lawn?  Are these freedoms which do not qualify for mandates that might restrict them?

So when does government have a right to step in and say “no you can’t” or “you must do this”?

In a free country, the answer will always be: “when person A exercises his/her freedom” AND “such exercise hurts others”.  Driving 100 mph on a race track is one thing, driving over the speed limit in a school zone is quite a different matter.

Covid-19 has brought a new focus on mandates.  Under what conditions can governments “mandate” vaccinations?  Some politicians, like the Governors of Florida and Texas for example, claim, despite clear evidence to the opposite, that mandates are unnecessary because “people” will make the right decisions. Instead, infections are up, hospitals are full, and people are getting sick. Hmmm.

Both Governors have access to trained epidemiologists and public health officials who can explain clearly how diseases like Covid spread and what will be necessary to control the spread.  The average person might deserve a pass since they lack the public health education to understand the science but Governors and Congress members have no excuse because they employ staff who can understand.  Denying vaccination mandates (for other than documented health reasons) is shameful, ignorant, and totally unethical.

The hypocrite summit of this mandate issue is that most of the “anti-mandate” politicians seem to have no problem denying a woman’s right to choose.  Hmmm.      

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