Fly Paper

What is worse than fly paper and just won’t go away? If your guess is former Vice President Cheney, that is a good one but not the one I am thinking of. It is none other than Johnny Bolton, former UN Ambassador, former “W” Administration aide, and former signer of PNAC (Project for the new American Century). Johnny must not be pension eligible because he keeps showing up in the “opinion pages of the Wall Street Journal.

On last Friday, Mr Bolton (he continually referred to President Obama as Mr. Obama), spoke out on the need to militarily strike Iran in order to “eliminate” the potential that Iran would develop nuclear weapons. This is an old saw for Bolton and other neoconservatives – shoot first, think second. He mixes the sound to arms with the need for tougher diplomatic language or his favorite, tougher sanctions. When not saying what the Obama Administration should do, he revels in listing what President Obama is doing wrong.

The blue print for Bolton’s amazing insight can be found in the PNAC document. With fellow signators such Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Pearle, Scooter Libby, and Douglas Feith, I should not have to say more. This document preached the self appointed role for the US in the 21st century to operate as the world’s policeman.  Implicit in their pronouncements is that it is all achievable.

You would think that after 8 failed years with “W” where this craziness ruled government thinking, Bolton would have moved on in his thinking. He has not.

Iran poses a threat to everyone, not just the US. Already Islamic extremists target parts of Russia and China, and terrorism knows no borders.  Somewhat surprisingly, both Russia and China are reluctant to follow Bolton’s advice.  European countries also do not see the Iranian threat the same way as does Bolton, or even the Obama Administration. They see some low level or narrowly defined level of sanctions are necessary but we should not expect them to do more than irritate.  In the meantime Europe, Russia, and China are enjoying some level of profitable trade with Iran. Hmmm.

Military action (even if done by Israel), on the other hand, is simply incredible to propose. Iraq and Afghanistan should be lessons enough.  Just a bombing (and not invasion) would be the same as pulling the plug on open unpredictable hostilities in the Middle East and most certainly worldwide. Iran would become the poster child for global jihad.

Bolton and all the other chicken hawk neoconservatives do all Americans a disservice with their brand of rhetoric and frankly are worse that fly paper, they are dangerous if we listen to them.

Explore posts in the same categories: Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Dick Cheney, Politics, Republican Party

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